I was once a Pro-Choice advocate and thought I was empowering women by donating my money to local abortion facilities. During that time, I was filled with selfish anger and fear that my rights were being attacked by self-righteous Pro-Lifers wanting to impose their moral judgments on the way “I” wanted to live “my” life.
Then God brought a granddaughter into my life and softened my soul through the voice of a child. I began to examine what I had supported in the past and over time came to know the truth that abortion ends the life of an innocent human, and it is intrinsically wrong.
I felt so strongly that I needed to right the wrongs of my past that I attended a prolife conference and God led me straight to Pro-Life Helena now known as Pro-Life Montana. There I found people that were willing to listen, were compassionate and loving, people that did not judge my past actions, and wanted to help women in need. I knew I was in the right place, and I am forever grateful for the work they are doing to improve the lives of ALL the people in Montana – Born and Pre-Born.
The people of Pro-Life Montana have given me peace and purpose in my daily life and the state of Montana is a better place to call home because of the important work they do every day!
Angela Copenhaver, Founder and Executive Director
WeTeachThink and HumanFromDayOne.com
Prolife Montana is truly doing the Lord’s work: Protecting LIFE from the most precious to the most vulnerable. Whether running a 40 Days for Life Vigil, promoting prolife pregnancy centers, helping with support and adoption, Prolife Montana is on the Front Lines to provide women positive alternatives to abortion and providing unborn babies the nurturing and support that they need. Prolife Montana joins hundreds of other prolife groups just like it across the nation to be the last Hope for women considering abortion. If not them, who? I support Prolife Montana in its Mission to End Abortion and support Women & the Unborn, and I hope that you will too.
Matt Britton
General Counsel & Board, 40 Days for Life
ProLife Montana is working hard to actively stand for life and protect the most innocent among us and support women in difficult situations. They desire to collaborate with other likeminded organizations to bring further awareness to the issue and work together to find ways to equip citizens to save lives! Humans are created in the image of God (imago dei) and each life is of utmost importance to Him. Prolife Montana recognizes this important fact. I’m so thankful that this organization is working to protect life in Montana, a state that requires a lot of work to become a safe haven for the unborn.
Kayla Cross
TPUSA Faith Big Sky Regional Manager
I was ordained in 1978 and in 1981 C. Everett Koop, then Surgeon General, and Francis Schaeffer produced a film series entitled “Whatever Happened to the Human Race.” I was an Associate Pastor in Greenville, SC at the time, and my Senior Pastor and I invited the Christian community to view the series. Each video was followed by a panel discussion. Following the video on abortion, we were all uncertain about what the Bible said about it. I was assigned the task of writing a little booklet entitled “The Sanctity of Human Life”. After I presented it, we were convinced we needed to take action, and that led to the formation of four abortion alternative/Christian adoption agencies.